Sunday, September 19, 2010

Overcoming a Crack Addiction

To overcome any addiction, a person must find the source of their unhappiness or their "trigger" for the addiction. From alcohol to drugs to food, addictions take a firm hold of many people in every day society. A crack addict seeks the euphoria of the high received from the high they initially receive. Because this high only lasts 10 to 20 minutes, the increased urgency for the next high takes over. It only takes one time to become addicted. Break the cycle with crack addiction treatment.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Crack Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Crack cocaine’s extremely addictive ability continues to increase daily, especially in low income areas. The immediate high that is accomplished within seconds gives a sense of euphoria to the user but only lasts 10 and 20 minutes. The overall affect that 10 to 20 minute high has on the user’s body is permanent. Crack's harmful components on the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system leave the addict helpless. Crack cocaine addiction treatment is possible and available for everyone.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Oxycontin Rehabilitation: Prescription Addiction Is Real

It is unfortunate that legal drugs are being used in illegal ways. Oxycontin is a legally prescribed drug that is increasingly being used for recreational purposes. With that type of usage comes addiction. Addiction to this particular drug is really serious. It has come to be known on the streets as "the poor man's heroin" because of its euphoric effects that resemble heroin usage. The drug comes in tablet form in strengths of 10mg, 20mg, 40mg, 80mg and 160mg. The most commonly abused is 40mg. This opiod is a central nervous system depressant used for pain relief. It directly effects the spinal cord, brain and maybe even the tissue itself. Prolonged use of this drug creates a dependency that requires oxycontin rehabilitation. If you feel you need help, don't wait. Help is available whether your are legally or illegally using this substance.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cocaine Addiction Rehab: Learning the Facts

Cocaine sold as a fine white, crystalline powder. Some of the other names are "coke", "C", "flake", "snow" or "blow".
Because cocaine has such a high potential for abuse, it has been classified as a Schedule II drug by the DEA. Abusers choose this drug for its feelings of euphoria and sense of control when using. Repeated use of this drug will numb a human ability to have natural pleasures without being "high" on cocaine. Because this drug directly affects the the pleasure centers of the brain, prolonged use can also cause aggression and paranoia. Sometimes abusers will feel as if bugs are crawling under their skin, known as "cocaine bugs". Cocaine addiction rehab is crucial in successful recovery. Seek out professional help for yourself or someone in need.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Amphetamine Rehabilitation: Fighting the Deadly Drug

Amphetamines belong to a group of psychoactive drugs known as CNS stimulants. CNS refers to the central nervous system which is directly affected by this drug. Some people believe that the drug is not addictive as it prescribed by doctors for narcolepsy, obesity, and ADHD. This however is untrue. Both prescription and illegal versions of this drug are highly addictive and can be fatal. Overuse of amphetamines or mixing the drug with other substances, such as alcohol, can be deadly. Amphetamine Rehabilitation centers are out there and ready to help. Withdrawals are severe and cause fatigue, depression, lethargy, and sometime s psychosis. Getting help is really important to surviving the addiction and having a full recover.